Tricks of the Trade - Ginger Cubes

Tricks of the Trade - Ginger Cubes

Anyone else out there who hates those 'helpful hints" or "handy hints" columns in women's magazines that tell you how to use baking soda or vinegar or I dunno... freakin' lemon peels??

I'm sorry... I just can't stand those extremely helpful and oh soooo boring ideas.

It's not that I don't do that stuff. I do use baking soda and vinegar but it's the way they write it or present it, but it just seems so... uff domesticated.

Now I am probably as domesticated (mostly a by product of being a mommy) as they come but seriously, can't one be interesting while we do these things?

Approach is the main thing, I think here. I've seen Jaimee Oliver collect empty jam jars and use them to make and store beautiful salad dressings. He gets so enthusiastic about it you can't but help cheer him on.

It's like "oh, I want to do that too".

Anyways... coming back to the topic, many of us use in our kitchen certain techniques to facilitate our cooking processes.

I am always in favor of fresh ingredients but ya know... life takes over sometimes and then we need the "tricks of the trade". Doesn't that sound better than "helpful hints" now?

Here's one that is a marvelous time saver for any desi kitchen (you know, cause we just can't live without our ginger).

By Bharti


  • Lots of fresh ginger or as much as you want to freeze
  • You will also need ice cube trays


Peel and cut the ginger in to 2-3 inch pieces. Place in a food processor. Process till finely minced.

Place about 1-2 teaspoons in each section of an ice cube tray.

Ginger Cubes 1

Carefully pour water in each section to cover the minced ginger.

Ginger Cubes 2

Put the tray in the freezer for a few hours till the ice cubes have formed.

Ginger Cubes 3

Place the ice cubes in a sandwich bag and store in the freezer.

Ginger Cubes 4

Tada... you now have your very own fresh frozen ginger cubes ready to be used.

Throw them in the curries or subzis or soups. Anyway you wish.

Now rush like mad... 'cause we do that in our lives. Go on.
