Quick and Healthy - Chocolate Oatmeal Recipe

Quick and Healthy - Chocolate Oatmeal Recipe

This recipe just came to mind one of the nights when I was dying..(not an exaggeration), just dying for chocolate. It was probably one of those times when I was trying not to eat fatty food (unlike now days). And so this one just kinda clicked. I’m not going to lie. If you’re expecting something very rich, this is not it. This is something to tide you over that “I want something with one million calories right now” feeling. This for me is usually when I’ve tucked the kids in bed at night.

It’s actually good even for breakfast but I don’t usually eat chocolate for breakfast. Yikes…did I just say that?

Well... I still can’t eat chocolate for breakfast, gotta set an example for the kids…can’t have them going “But Muma eats chocolate first thing in the morning….”

Anyways…the oats of course are good for you, and the cocoa powder that gives the chocolatey flavor, is almost fat free and has tons of antioxidants. It does have some sugar..but gawd, what do you expect from me? Oh and the choc chips start melting with the warmth of oatmeal and it’s oh so melty and yumm.

By Bharti

Chocolate Oatmeal


  • ¼ cup quick cooking oats
  • ¾ cup water (or you could use half milk and half water)
  • 1.5 teaspoons cocoa powder
  • A pinch of instant coffee (optional)
  • 2 teaspoons brown sugar
  • A teeny bit of vanilla essence
  • Dash of milk or evaporated milk
  • 1 teaspoon bitter sweet chocolate chips or chopped up dark chocolate
  • 1 teaspoons chopped walnuts, pecans or almonds (optional)


Place the first 6 ingredients in a bowl. Microwave the bowl on high for 1.5 minutes. Stir really well. Add a dash of milk. Mix again. Top with chocolate chips and nuts. Eat immediately. Do not serve later or it will be chocolate glop.
